I googled articles of cancel culture and found two opposite titles.
Here’s how you know that satire is an elemental force of the universe: Even as many were celebrating the firing of the “I feel threatened” guy — a Florida man made infamous by a widely circulated video of him screaming threats at a woman who had asked him to wear a mask in Costco (which requires masks) — Harper’s magazine published an open letter, signed by many famous and well-respected people, criticizing progressives for, among other things, creating “a vogue for public shaming and ostracism” that has led to folks being fired.
Ostracism 陶片追放 村八分
The vagueness of the examples forced many readers to guess: Was one of the editors “fired for running controversial pieces” James Bennet, who resigned from his post as editorial page editor at the New York Times after the publication of an incendiary column by Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, which he said he had not read before publication, caused a staff revolt?
incendiary 扇動的
Although they mention no specifics during their criticism of what they perceive as a growing intolerance and censoriousness among liberals, they make it pretty clear: The “calls for swift and severe retribution in response to perceived transgressions of speech and thought” that concern them most involve either themselves or people they might know.
censoriousness 口やかましい 批判性
In the mixed and heated response — exactly what such a provocative missive is written to provoke
Missive 書簡 手紙
whataboutism そっちこそどうなんだ 議論すり替え
tone policing トーンポリシング 内容でなく口調を非難するなどの議論すり替え police取締り
about Handmaid’s tale
Atwood, Rowling