Rainy day
Rep Yoho is a shame and here is a brilliant woman.
remorse 自責の念
levy 徴収するimpose
I thought this woman is also brilliant.
Correlation 相関
litigiousness 訴訟につながる 喧嘩早い
incest 近親相姦
pontificate 教皇の職 もったいぶって話す
from January 1st, 2020 to today 🐿
Rainy day
Rep Yoho is a shame and here is a brilliant woman.
remorse 自責の念
levy 徴収するimpose
I thought this woman is also brilliant.
Correlation 相関
litigiousness 訴訟につながる 喧嘩早い
incest 近親相姦
pontificate 教皇の職 もったいぶって話す