20210425 Sunday
obsessed with sewing machines.
In the year 2000, the International Energy Agency (IEA) made a prediction that would come back to haunt it: by 2020, the world would have installed a grand total of 18 gigawatts of photovoltaic solar capacity.
Photovoltaic 光電池の light + voltage
The deep history begins with a succession of US presidents and the quest for energy independence. First was Richard Nixon, who in November 1973 announced Project Independence to wean the US off Middle Eastern oil.
Wean A off B aをbから離す
Then came Jimmy Carter, who declared the energy transition the “moral equivalent of war” in April 1977 and pumped billions of dollars into renewable energy research, which came to a screeching halt when Ronald Reagan came to power.
Come to a Screeching halt 突然止まる
Dirt cheap power – at a price
Dirt cheap とても安い