20220110 Monday
Feasible 可能
Intrigued 興味ある
fly-on-the-wall ありのままの 日常の
Couples Therapy: nothing can prepare you for this startling fly-on-the-wall TV
public advocate 市政監査官
the linchpin of の要
Eric Adams, a retired police captain, made public safety the linchpin of his successful campaign for mayor.
by name 名指し
Mr. Banks added that he retired because he and the new commissioner — he did not mention Mr. Bratton by name — did not agree on the parameters of his role
quell = end
The formal announcement of Mr. Banks’s hiring was made in a news release nearly eight hours after he had sought in the opinion piece to quell criticism of his behavior, denying any ethical wrongdoing.
convictions 有罪判決
unindicted co-conspirator 起訴されていない共謀者
Deputy Mayor 助役
association with 関連
“I’ve loved the brand ever since I was little, just because of its association with Audrey.”
Is ripe for 機が熟した
The details of the movie are still unknown, but Hepburn’s life is ripe for storytelling.