20221210 Saturday 십이월 십일 토요일
Suffrage ˈsʌfrɪdʒ 参政権 The right to vote in political elections
Deeds not words 言葉より行動
토요일 (toyoil) 土曜日
십이월 (shipiwol)- December
십 일 10 日 Sibyl?
stilted 堅苦しい ぎくしゃくした
from January 1st, 2020 to today 🐿
Suffrage ˈsʌfrɪdʒ 参政権 The right to vote in political elections
Deeds not words 言葉より行動
토요일 (toyoil) 土曜日
십이월 (shipiwol)- December
십 일 10 日 Sibyl?
stilted 堅苦しい ぎくしゃくした