時差の関係で、#blackouttuesday には微妙に参加できなかった国の人たちが#blackoutwednesday をやってるみたかったので、私も今日は参加している。ただSNS一切見ないとかではなく、アフリカ系の人たちのこと、人種に関して日本で起きていることを調べる時間を、いつもより増やそうとしている。牛久入管のこととか。もちろん、今日だけやっていればというわけではないけれど、私にはきっかけになった。
This isn’t to say that the action of digital advocacy isn’t important. But it does speak to a problem among non-Black people who are posting these black squares without ever speaking out before, and often in lieu of taking other steps to stand in solidarity with the movement to end violence against Black people. “I think the Black Out thing is an example of … people wanting to be seen doing some thing and not taking the time to consider if it’s the right or most effective something to do,” a person named Danie said on Twitter.
in lieu = instead of
Mark Zuckerberg is setting a “dangerous precedent” by allowing a post by Donald Trump to remain on Facebook, a group of civil rights leaders has warned.
Precedent 前例
“It’s probably in place of me not knowing something, and from the ignorance is a desire to understand it, to know it,” he told BBC. “It’s just about finding your thing and finding what you are very interested in, what makes you excited, what you actually want to learn about.”
in place of かわりに