20220810 Wednesday
I tried to put it out of my mind. 気にしない
She gives me a heads-up. 前もって知らせる
It clicked for me, 感動した?
I was sold ノリノリでした?
still up in the air 計画がまだ固まっていない
intrigue = interest íntriːg 興味 悪巧み?
from January 1st, 2020 to today 🐿
I tried to put it out of my mind. 気にしない
She gives me a heads-up. 前もって知らせる
It clicked for me, 感動した?
I was sold ノリノリでした?
still up in the air 計画がまだ固まっていない
intrigue = interest íntriːg 興味 悪巧み?